Chasing Murray cod is a lifetime obsession. Any angler infected with the Murray cod virus knows there is no vaccine, nor do they seek one – although I suspect their partners might! Every serious Murray cod enthusiast knows what is needed to chase these enigmatic fish and is driven to improve their angling nous, by the lure of their next capture. I strongly believer that you can improve your angling ability by simply taking a greater interest in your surrounding environment and the ‘cod clues’ it has to offer.

With information comes power and it is no different in cod circles. The more time you invest fishing the better you become at identifying what makes a ‘cod clue.’ The more clues you accrue, the more sought after you are as a fishing partner, which in turn leads to greater access to remote and new locations.

Norby with a solid Murray Cod that hit him at the boat during the heart of a rainstorm.

Anglers willing to share their own experiences and learn from yours are always the best anglers to fish with. To ensure we corral all the best cod clues that present themselves from every capture, we try and run through the below checklist after every cod capture.


1. Depth of water the strike came from
2. Speed of your retrieve
3. Size and type of your lure and any noticeable characteristics i.e. colour of your spinnerbait blades, rattle type in your lipless crankbait
4. Water clarity, temperature and flow where the strike came from (these variables can differ significantly from spot to spot in the same waterway)
5. Check the immediate area of your cod capture for structure. Both above and below the water
6. Look for any baitfish or other visible prey in the area you scored your fish

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