Your hard bodied lures, much like the strength and durability required of your rods, reel and line, need to be able to withstand the brutal punishment that old man Murray cod dishes out. As apex predators, with the capacity to clamp down and crush prey like an alligator, the Murray cod will make a mockery of any inferior lure. For many of us, the opportunity to dance with a metre plus, monster cod is a once in a lifetime event. Countless hours are invested for that single cast, which inevitably turns a weekend warrior into an overnight guru.

When you hear despondent stories of the big one that got away, routinely, lure failure is the root of the problem. The attrition rate is amplified even further when you are using a locked drag and a super-fast tapered graphite stick. Any inferior tackle, namely the cheap imitations, will buckle and give way under the strain of a rampant Murray cod. A great way to bullet proof your tackle is to tie an Aussie made lure onto your leader.

Designed and refined under Australian conditions, the savvy Aussie lure maker is well aware of the brutish power of the mighty Murray cod.

Our favourite hard bodied lures for Murray Cod

Names synonymous with cod-strong native tackle include:

If you follow this simple advice, next time you hook that metre you will be perfectly prepared. Before you get out on the water, make sure you grab a few Australian made, top quality, hard bodied lures for your tackle box. This may just be what you need to turn a potential disaster into a victory.

One Reply to “Cod-strong Candy – Lure selection for Murray Cod”

  1. All these products are really good and unique.

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