I hit the road in search of gold with a few friends in the early spring of 2014. Even though the water temperature was almost in the single digits, we experienced first hand that there is still some amazing perch action available at Windamere in September. We worked hard to get the bites and I must say, it was one of the most rewarding trips that I have ever experienced.
About the Asset Apparel
The Asset Apparel Co. is a Canberra based clothing company, delivering high quality and stylish outdoor inspired clothing to both young and old. Their fishing specific label, “Fishwear” caters to fisherman and women who like to fish comfortably and look good whilst doing it. With some clean and conservative designs in their upcoming 2015 range, they are sure to be just as suitable for a night out on the town! New designs are being released just in time for the cooler weather, they have some great new stuff coming your way!
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