With the explosion of Swimbait fishing in this country comes with it a concurrent rise in tackle tinkers exploring different ways to modify theses bibless beauties.
Without question, the one modification dominating the angler discourse is the addition of weights to your baits to alter its sink rate.
So, let’s take a look at the three novel options available to anglers looking to get that sinking feeling
Now, firstly, not all swimbaits come purpose built with a recessed tow point, under the lure’s chin, for fastening on a weight. However, for lures like the Jackall stable of Chibitarel, Gantarel, Gigantarel and Gantia, this characteristic is par for the course.
Fundamentally, a chin weight is best described as a small weight with either a clip or tow point drilled into it. The angler then either clips on the weight or uses a small split ring to connect it to the bait.
The size of your chin weight will then determine the sink rate. The heavier the weight, the quicker the chin-down sink of the lure.
The majority of instances sees us using lighter 1/4oz chin weight in under 4 metres of water, while a 3/4 oz is the preferred option for deeper water work.
For those swimbaits like the Madness Japan Balam 300 that don’t come with a chin tow point, don’t stress, there are options. If you want a quick sink rate in either deeper or faster flowing water, then adding a ball sink to your loop knot is the best answer.
It really is as simple as it looks and sounds. When tying your lefty’s loop knot, to give your Swimbait extra room to ‘swim’ on your line, thread a running ball sinking into the heart of the knot.
Again, the size of the weight will directly impact the nose-down sink rate of the lure – yes, the heavier the weight the quicker the sinking speed. Genius !
The last and most novel method to add a little extra weight to your stable of Swimbaits, with no chin tow point, is utilising the two treble anchor points.
Essentially, the treble tow points double as anchors to attach small ‘clip on’ or ‘thread on’ weights to the existing hooks split rings.
By adding weights to both hook points, you guarantee the lure will have a more horizontal sink rate through the water, as opposed to a head down plummet.
This is particularly advantageous for shallow water situations where you need your Swimbait to slowly and seductively flutter to bottom.